Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 3, 2019

Spacesuit from the High Life movie on display...

In the sci-fi thriller from director Claire Denis, High Life, a group of criminals are tricked into embarking on an outer space mission to discover alternate energy sources, while in fact they are being experimented on by the scientists on board the craft. The futuristic film stars Robert Pattinson, Juliette Binoche, Mia Goth and André Benjamin.
Screen-used spacesuit from High Life
High Life movie spacesuit
High Life spacesuit
High Life movie costume
High Life movie spacesuit
High Life spacesuit helmet
Spacesuit costume High Life
Spacesuit High Life movie
Spacesuit costume detail High Life
Spacesuit costume watch High Life
Spacesuit legs High Life
High Life spacesuit costume
High Life film spacesuit
High Life movie costume exhibit
This cool spacesuit from the movie was designed by Judy Shrewsbury and was photographed on display in the foyer of ArcLight Hollywood cinema on March 26, 2019.

If you like this out-of-this-world costume, be sure to also check out these NASA astronaut spacesuits from First Man worn by Ryan Gosling, Matt Damon's spacesuit from The Martian, these astronaut suits from Gravity worn by Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, this NASA spacesuit from Interstellar worn by Anne Hathaway and this spacesuit from a 2001: A Space Odyssey on display.

High Life movie poster
High Life movie poster

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